Become a Sponsor
Become a sponsor of IFMA’s San Francisco Chapter and make a commitment to excellence in facility management. When you join as a sponsor:
Powerful way of reinforcing your corporate profile as a partner to facility managers in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Enables you to promote your company’s name, logo, and services to a regional audience.
Sponsorship in the IFMA SF Chapter is a cost-efficient and highly effective publicity and marketing tool.
Remember, your sponsorship support to the IFMA SF Chapter is tax deductible.
For more information, please contact our Sponsorship Chair.
Sponsorship Benefits
Company profile on the IFMA website
IFMA SF Membership Directory
Company recognition on every monthly IFMA event for all social media sites and event ticketing
The breadth and quality of our IFMA programs and events in San Francisco would not be possible without the generosity of our sponsors. We are grateful to the companies that have made generous contributions to our worthy cause.
Our Sponsors
Sponsorship Levels
Platinum – $5,000
Two meetings, sole sponsor, 15 minute talk and brand
Top Positioning of hyperlinked company logo on Chapter e-blast (400 recipients)
PDF of annual active member list
Top Positioning of hyperlinked company logo on digital news letter
Six (6) free tickets per year to chapter educational meetings and events
Four (4) free tickets to holiday party. Recognition as Platinum Sponsor
Top Positioning of logo, largest size on IFMA website
Top positioning of company logo on Digital Banner at IFMA events
Company Literature Display at events
Gold – $2,500
One meeting, shared sponsor, 10 minute talk and brand
Hyperlinked company logo on Chapter e-blast (400 recipients)
PDF of annual active member list
Hyperlinked company logo on digital news letter
Four (4) free tickets per year to chapter educational meetings and events
Two (2) free tickets to holiday party
Positioning of logo on IFMA website
Company logo on Digital Banner at IFMA events
Company Literature Display at events
Silver – $1,500
Chapter President or Board Member will recognize one or more Silver Sponsors at each event meeting
Hyperlinked company logo on Chapter e-blast (400 recipients)
PDF of annual active member list
Hyperlinked company logo on digital news letter
Two (2) free tickets per year to chapter educational meetings and events
Positioning of logo on IFMA website
Company logo on Digital Banner at IFMA events
Company Literature Display at events